expert landscaping services

in Chelsea, AL

One stop shop

We are a one stop shop for commercial or residential properties. At Mitchell Turf we can design, install and maintain any property including lawn maintenance, turf applications, landscape removal/installation, lighting, irrigation, drainage and anything the property may need. When not working, my wife and I keep busy with our three kids and all the activities and sports you could imagine. If we can help you in any way please let us know and We look forward to working with you and you family.

Why Choose Us
Chelsea, AL, USA

Proudly Serving these Areas

in Greater Birmingham

Chelsea, AL

Pelham, AL

Shoal Creek, AL

Calera, AL

Inverness, AL

Vestavia Hills, AL

Mountain Brooke, AL

Homewood, AL

Westover, AL

Sit back and relax!

Trust your lawn maintenance to the professionals at Mitchell Turf and Landscapes


(205) 894-6164

Mitchell Turf

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